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Zach's Dividend Portfolio

Overview of the Zach's dividend portfolio section under Zach's research page

Written by Support
Updated over a month ago

Explained: Zach's Dividend Portfolio

Portfolio Overview

Beneath this section, there is a table that showcases all of the stocks owned in Zach's personal dividend portfolio. Each stock has its own description, quantity owned, day's price, and unrealized gain/loss. Clicking on the ticker symbol will take you to the analysis page for the stock.


In the diversification section, the top of the page showcases two pie charts pertaining to the portfolio's diversification across sectors and total current value. Underneath of this is a full diversification table covering each stocl's current value, value %, dollars invested, cost %, and sector.

Projected Income

The page for projected income has a summary section on top for income at annual, quarterly, monthly, daily, and hourly rates. The calendar chart separates dividends based on month it was earned and the diversification pie chart covers annual income based on sector.

In the second half of the Project Income tab, there are 2 tables. The table on the left is a calendar table of dates when different stocks' dividends were paid. On the right is a diversification table highlighting what each stocks' value % is in relation to projected annual dividends.

Dividend Insights

Under dividend insights, you can see what Zach's portfolio looks like in terms of projected annual income, dividend yield, yield on cost, snowball effect, and yield on cost plus DRIP. Beneath that is a table that provides insights to each stock's description, quantity, dividend, and dividend yield.

Upcoming Dividends

The upcoming dividends tab has both a chart and a table showing which stocks have future dividend payments, alongside the amount in which they will be paying.

Dividend History

In this section, there is an earned dividend history summary related to total earned dividends, last year's dividends, and year to date dividends. There is a dividend history chart showing when dividends were earned on different dates. The diversification pie breaks up total dividends by sector.

Underneath the two charts is a dividend history table and dividend diversification table for the stocks in Zach's portfolio.


The activity tab page goes over the stock activity and dividend activity for Zach's portfolio. From top to bottom, the 2 tables display activity in order of recency.


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