The watchlist supports over 70,000 stocks/funds, from exchanges across the globe. On top of this, their price is automatically converted into USD ($) so that it’s a consistent experience.
Here are the Supported Exchanges:
NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)
AMEX (American Stock Exchange)
TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange)
LSE (London Stock Exchange)
HKSE (Stock Exchange of Hong Kong)
XETRA (German Electronic Exchange)
JPX (Tokyo Stock Exchange)
SIX (Swiss Exchange)
SAU (Saudi Stock Exchange)
WSE (Warsaw Stock Exchange)
OSE (Oslo Stock Exchange)
NSE (National Stock Exchange of India)
STO (Nasdaq Stockholm)
JNB (Johannesburg Stock Exchange)
MIL (Milan Stock Exchange)
OTC (Over-the-counter securities)
AMS (Euronext Amsterdam)
HEL (Nasdaq Helsinki)
MEX (Mexican Stock Exchange)
SET (The Stock Exchange of Thailand)
CPH (Nasdaq Copenhagen)
IST (Istanbul Stock Exchange)
ATH (Athens Stock Exchange)
LIS (Libson Stock Exchange)
VIE (Prague Stock Exchange)
Mutual Funds