Here you can save stocks to your watchlist and find out whether the stock price has dipped relative to the past 50 and 200 day average. There is also an easy link on the ticker symbol to open the stock's research page.
Navigate to the "Track Watchlist" Page
On the left-hand navigation bar, click "Track Watchlist". The page will load with your watchlist table and buttons to input data. If no stocks have been added yet, the right side should appear blank.
Why Use the Watchlist Page?
1. Track Daily Prices
On your watchlist, you can see all your saved stocks/funds sorted in alphabetical order. Here the daily price change is shown. You can sort the column to see the biggest gain or loss.
2. Find Price Changes Relative To 50/200 Day Average
a) Sort By Losses; Dip Finder
(Click the Column Name of the column you would like to sort)
b) Sort By Gains
(Click the Column Name of the column you would like to sort)
Example: Empty Watchlist
Input Stocks/Funds and Delete From Watchlist
Find Control Buttons
Example: With Existing Watchlist
Example: With Empty Watchlist
a) Add To Watchlist
Click "Add To Watchlist", enter the stock symbol from available options. Click the "Update" button and your watchlist will load with the symbol.
b) Bulk Add To Watchlist
Click "Bulk Add To Watchlist". Create a CSV file with a list of ticker symbols in the displayed format. Upload the file in the "Choose CSV File" field. Click the "Update" button and your watchlist will load with the uploaded symbols.
c) Remove From Watchlist
Click "Remove From Watchlist". Select a stock symbol from the options in your portfolio to delete 1 specific stock from your watchlist. Click the "Delete Every Stock In Your Watchlist" check button to delete all the stocks in your watchlist. Click "Update", and your watchlist will load the change made.
Jump to Research Page From Watchlist
Click on a specific stock's Ticker Symbol to jump to that stocks research page.
Save Stock To Watchlist From Analysis Page
Click the "Save Stock" button in the Add To Watchlist column. This will add the selected stock to your watchlist.
a) Success Message
b) Fail Message
This means the stock is already in your watchlist.